Friday, January 28, 2011

sketchbook in the mail!

My sketchbook is finished and in the mail (delivered in fact...I just checked my shipping confirmation)!  It was a very exciting and exhausting project, but I am so happy I decided to enter and see it through.  I didn't use all the materials I thought I would to create my book (not really all that surprising).  As it was coming together, I actually felt less was more and liked the simplicity of the book and composition of each page as I was designing them.  The photo transfers each took on their own life and no two were the same.  The photos also changed as they became transfers on fabric...which I really love.  Tom helped me photograph the book before I shipped it away so I would have a record of my work since it is now part of the permanent collection of the The Brooklyn Art Library.  Here are a few shots of the book, more can be seen here or if you visit one of the shows when all the sketchbooks are on tour!
Tom shooting my final book!

Can't wait to see all the creative books everyone made on tour!  
Did you enter? Well...there's always next year...OR next up
A Million Photographs...I'm still deciding :) 

1 comment:

i "heart" your comments ♥